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   Casing -->> Custom Cases -->> A & B Type Stackable Case 1200x600x600  + 600x600x600.

(可堆迭-种规格 四件式套箱)

The bottom case has 8 wheel fix notch, which can be fix the small case.

  *. A : 1220x600x600mm with 4 Caster and 8 Caster Fillister, 3 Strut Hinge,
             2 Recessed Butterfly Latch, 4 Recessed Spring Handle.
B : 600x600x600mm with 4 Caster and 4 Caster Fillister, 2 Strut Hinge,
             2 Recessed Butterfly Latch, 4 Recessed Spring Handle.
  *. 9mm Fireproofing Board. 
(Other color available.)
  *. 10mm hard foam inside. 
 (Caster are 2 Swivel Caster & 2 Lockable Caster Each.)
多用途 可异型迭 器材置物箱. 有1200+600mm组合 , 及 1800+900mm组合.